Publikasi Berkualitas

Meningkatkan literasi digital dan publikasi internasional untuk masyarakat melalui penelitian dan pengabdian.

Publikasi Bereputasi Internasional

yellow sunflower field during daytime
yellow sunflower field during daytime

Galeri Publikasi

Menampilkan penelitian, publikasi, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat kami.

silhouette photo of person holding smartphone
silhouette photo of person holding smartphone
iPad near sunglasses, wallet, and DSLR camera
iPad near sunglasses, wallet, and DSLR camera
gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen
gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen
person holding white Samsung Galaxy Tab
person holding white Samsung Galaxy Tab

The Users’ Experiences in Processing Visual Media for Creative and Online Learning Using Instagram

The Use of Smartphones for Online Learning Interactions by Elementary School Students

Mobile Learning With Discord Application as Creative Teaching

The Use of Smartphones for Online Learning Interactions by Elementary School Students